Comics adapted from the Nart sagas of the Caucasus. New pages every Saturday. Email the author.
NEWS! 💃 I’m super excited to be able to report that you can now order the big wahoonie, the whole clit and caboodle — The Complete Curvy!!
★ATTENTION, UNFORTUNATE DENIZENS OF BORING WORLD!★@SylvanMigdal's ★The Complete Curvy★ is now up for pre-order in the ICC store! Grab it here, and get it before ANYONE ELSE!
— Iron Circus Comics (@ironcircuscomix) October 14, 2019
The whole 520-page story has been lovingly re-touched, re-mastered, and colored in glowing pink and turquoise. There’s even a few pages of all-new material!
Bigger! Hornier! Weirder! Softer! Dumber! Get it now over at Iron Circus Comics!
Now, back to your regularly scheduled Narts: